21. jul. 2012

Masterclass med Theodoros

Masterclass med Theodoros

Jeg er lige kommet hjem efter 3 herlige uger i Larissa, Grækenland, hvor jeg har deltaget i et kursus i ikonmaling hos Theodoros Papadopoulos.
Det har været meget lærerigt og inspirerende.
Under samtaler med Theodoros kom ideen om at forsøge at lave et kursus med ham her i Danmark.
Tanken er at samle 6-8 kursister som deltagere i et 9 dages kursus.  Theodoros måde at male på er ganske unik, det som karakteriserer hans arbejde er den smukke måde hvorpå de forskellige farvenuancer og også forskellige farver, toner ind i hinanden, de smukke overgange fra mørke til lys.
Tanken er et kursus som løber over 9 dage, en mulig dato kunne være f.eks. 9. til 17. februar 2013.
Selve maleprocessen foregår på staffeli, med temperafarver.
Prisen på kurset vil ligge på 8000 kr.  Det vil blive et kursus som er beregnet på ikonmalere med erfaring, som har malet ikoner i nogle år.
Kurset er endnu kun i støbeskeen, jeg undersøger om der er interesse for et sådant kursus.
Hvis du kunne være interesseret i at deltage, vil jeg meget gerne høre fra dig.

Vil du vide mere om Theodoros kan du besøge hans hjemmeside her: www.theodoreicons.com

16. jul. 2012

The face of Christ

What could be more appropriate than to finish this course by painting the face of Christ...
I was very happy when Theodoros told us that this would be our final task.
So this day we have been painting the first layers of the face and hair,  the beard almost finished.  He is looking very mild.. and I like it a lot!
I am looking forward to finishing this before I leave---

Every monday morning there is a huge market here in Larissa, in the street just outside our window.  So I bought a few presents on my way and some greek mountain tea, and fruit to eat during the day.

It was a very hot day as usual, but maybe I am getting used to it? 
Tonight Theodoros and his wife will take us out (again), this being my final evening here in Larissa.  They are so very kind and helpful in all ways.

Anyway, tomorrow is my last day, I will take the train to Thessaloniki in the evening  at 21.00 to catch a very early flight (04.50) to Zurich and then Copenhagen.  That will not be too bad either...:))

14. jul. 2012

Wings that can fly!

The last two days we have been paining this wing.  It is part of an angel with six wings. 
Might look simple, but I can assure you, it was not...
Tomorrow is our day off, and I then have only two days left before I return to Denmark.

A little bit sad; I will miss the lessons with Theodore - but I will not miss the heat...

12. jul. 2012

Face of Maria - finally finished

Today we finished the face of Mary.  We have been painting eagerly for 3 Days under close, very close supervision of Theodore.  Although there are several things  that could  be improved, I am very happy about the result.

This is what I have been trying to accomplish for years, now I know how to do it, what  it takes now is some more practice.

The last part of the day Theodore showed us several different ways to paint backgrounds and halos.
Tomorrow - we will take a closer look at hands.

11. jul. 2012

Marias new face II

Oh how much I enjoyed this day. Working with the eyes and mouth of Mary!! I like it so much.  We did not finish it all today, there is still some work to be done tomorrow.
So even if the heat today was extreme, I was content with it all. Went outside and poured half a litre of water down my back - it felt very refreshing.
Now, I will spend the rest of my day in my hotel room, toooo  hot outside.

I so much enjoy todays lesson in A Course in Miracles:  "Everything that happens to me are lessons God would have me learn".  I only have to remember one thing: there are no exceptions!

"Forgive, and you will see this differently." These are the words the Holy Spirit says to all my trials, my sufferings and my pain.
My answer: I will forgive, and this will disappear.

10. jul. 2012

Marias new face...

ENDELIG da, er vi kommet til det sted i undervisningen, hvor vi skal male Marias ansigt...  Tænkte det ikke skulle være så svært. Og det var det heller ikke.
Men det var en fuldstændig ny teknik stort set.   Nu er vi halvfærdige, og jeg kan næsten ikke vente til at gøre arbejdet færdig i morgen.
Dette bliver muligvis det smukkeste jeg har lavet til d.d.  :))


Finally, we have arrived at painting the face of Mary..  Thought this would not be so difficult, and it was not.
Although the tecnique is totally different from my usual way to paint, I did not find it totally new.
It is difficult to wait until tomorrow - to finish the work on this icon.

This might probably be the best I have ever done.

I will show you when it is finished... Theabove icon is one I painted last year...