Jeg er nærhedens princip siger Gudsmoder. Jeg er nærheden og jeg vejleder jer i hverdagen Kærligheden til hverdagen, til de nære ting, til mennesker og miljø har min specielle omsorg.
Hver dag er en gave.
Forvalt denne gave i dette nu.
Gå ind i nuet med et åbent sind.. Rens al uro væk fra krop og sjæl. Tag vare på livet! Tag vare på hverdagen!
I am going... with an open mind - the beginner's mind.
My teacher used to say, "Stay in beginner's mind. Never leave beginner's mind, because in beginner's mind, the possibilities are infinite. They're open. Anything can happen.
You're open to learn anything you need to learn. If your view of... something needs to change, you're open for it to change. No matter how deeply you have seen something, no matter how much you think you know something, stay in beginner's mind.
Don't get rigid. No matter how great a revelation you may have had, no matter how great an opening in the core and depth of your being, if you stay in innocence, in the mind that's very light, that never takes its ideas as truth, then there will be a much greater potential for your thoughts, as well as your communications with others, to be naturally inspired."
This is so comforting. I do not have to worry about a thing. Really!! The end of all this is absolutely sure. How can that be?
I actually never really left my Home. I am dreaming. Now my memory comes back to me - bit by bit, and at a pace that is perfectly made to fit me. I do not have to worry about the time, as long as I know the end is sure. It is written in the stars!
The truth is this: I am LOVE, and that will NEVER change.
Hvor er jeg taknemlig over at få denne besked i dag:
Relating to difficul t feelings in a way that does not aggravate them or cause them to be a problem in your life is a skill that must be learned. It takes some effort to become conscious of your thoughts and feelings.
Most people are not aware of what they are thinking and feeling, nor do they realize that they have a choice about how they will respond to their thoughts and feelings. Most people react to their thoughts and feelings without realizing that there is another way to relate to them that is likely to be less problematic. This lack of awareness causes people to be victims of their own humanness, of the thoughts they were given. The human condition is a state of suffering for the simple reason that people don’t naturally question their thoughts and feelings.
They assume that their thoughts are valid, and they assume that their thoughts are their thoughts. These are mistaken assumptions that lead to so much pain. These assumptions are at the root of human suffering. So again, what if your thoughts and feelings were not yours? They are what give you the experience of being a human being, while you are actually much more than a human being: You are a spiritual being. So when I say that your thoughts and feelings are not yours, I mean that they have nothing to do with the spiritual being that you are and everything to do with the human being that you actually are not.
There is nothing wrong with being a human being, of course, except that identifying with what makes you human— your thoughts and feelings— means that you will suffer. There is a time in your evolution when suffering is meant to be the driving force. Suffering carries evolution forward. And there comes a time when suffering is no longer necessary and the evolutionary lesson is how not to suffer within the human condition, because this is possible. You could say that how not to suffer while being human is the last lesson before graduating to a more divine state.
Many are ready to learn how to do this, and many are teaching this, because humanity is reaching a critical point in its evolution, where human beings must learn to live in greater harmony and peace. Suffering is caused by the resistance, sense of lack, and false beliefs of the egoic mind. Attaining peace and happiness is largely a matter of moving beyond such thoughts and beliefs. You move beyond them simply by not believing them. The pain that results from believing such thoughts drives the discovery of this truth. You eventually see that these thoughts are not true and not helpful, that they have betrayed and misled you. What is it that is capable of seeing this great truth? You are!
When you connect with your divine nature, you feel wise, peaceful, and loving. When you believe your thoughts, you feel lacking, fearful, and unloving and you lose touch with the truth about yourself and about life. Your thoughts create a sense of being someone who struggles with life. Without these thoughts, you are free to experience life as the beautiful and joy- filled gift that it is.
Jeg ved ikke helt hvor jeg skal begynde. Så jeg skriver bare.
For ikke så mange år siden - måske 6-8 år, begyndt jeg at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved min reaktion til andres sygdom. Jeg blev opmærksom på at min reaktion måske ikke var særlig hensigtsmæssig.
Der tales meget om at mænd bliver pylrede når de er syge, så i en periode "gemte" jeg mig lidt under det. Slog min irritation væk. Irriterende at ens mand bliver syg , lige midt i skiferien f.eks.
Jeg husker jo også udmærket hvor irriteret jeg blev på min mor de sidste år hun levede - og var syg.
Irriteret og samtidig bange, så forfærdelig bange for at miste hende...
Jeg har aldrig helt forstået min reaktion. Før forleden, hvor der ligesom blev hævet en port op og der inde, kunne jeg få øje på hvad der foregik i mit sind.
En stor lettelse var det faktisk. Jeg skal ikke belemre jer med fortællinger fra min barndom - kun lidt...
Fra jeg var 3 år, var jeg i perioder under min mors sygdom "udplasseret" hos venlige familiemedlemmer. Jeg gik sådan lidt på rundgang. Nogle gange var det i nogle uger, andre gange i flere måneder og en enkelt gang var jeg væk i 1/2 år. Alt sammen på grund at sygdom. Jeg længedes efter min mor - noget så grusomt. Jeg lærte samtidig at opføre mig pænt hos de forskellige, være snill og flink så de holdt af mig (men det er en anden historie!) Jeg er helt på det rene med og tror på at mine forældre altid har gjort alt det bedste de kunne for mig og mine søskende i den svære tid det var..
Jeg forstår nu at der er blevet lagt et ganske grundig mønster hos mig fra jeg var helt lille. Sygdom blandt mine nærmeste var blevet ensbetydende med at jeg blev sendt af sted fra resten af familien. Det blev ensbetydende med at jeg blev afskåret fra kærligheden.
Sygdom har jeg gjort synonymt med afvisning og bortvisning, jeg så det som et frontalangreb mod mig...og herfra stammer min vrede. På dette angreb har jeg reageret med vrede.
Så når jeg (ind til i går) oplevede sygdom hos min nærmeste, reagerede jeg med irritation først og fremmest. Men under den irritation har jeg fået øje på vrede - en virkelig stor vrede.
Jeg synes jo det ville være naturlig at reagere med omsorg og kærlighed, det gør jeg også i et vist omfang, men nedenunder er der denne VREDE!!
OK så, nu ser jeg den og hvad så? Jeg ved det - fortiden er forbi og overstået, den kan ikke røre mig mere... Hvor ofte har jeg ikke hørt mig selv gentage den sætning! Men den har altså kunnet røre mig, fortiden har lavet et reaktionsmønster - som nu forsvinder. Jeg er ikke interesseret i det længere.
Jeg ser det - jeg accepterer det og giver det ud i verden til skue. Sådan vil det fordufte som det ingenting det var.
Jeg ser det og dømmer det ikke...
Jeg vil nu omfavne mig selv med min egen kærlighed, og med kærligheden som strømmer fra Maria
De sidste dager har jeg blitt oppmerksom på ting om meg selv jeg aldri ville ha drømt om...
Jeg har i flere år sett på mine følelser omkring min barndom og de svikt jeg har vært utsatt for.
Jeg har i timevis vært i terapi og selvutvikling hos mange forskjellige terapeuter, psykologer og coaches. Noen "løsning" kom aldrig. Heller ikke noen forløsning. Det er helt i orden. Noen ganger må man nærme seg langsomt...
Nå har jeg blitt opmerksom på et reaksjonsmønster hos mig som jeg ærlig talt ikke har forstått tidligere. Eller har fått øye på...
Men det gjør jeg nå.
Jeg har fått øye på det - og forstått.
Jeg har nå tatt tilløp - og vil fortsette min fortelling i morgen.
Are you ready to declare that?
Are you ready to give peace and love your attention? Are you ready to choose
peace and love instead of some fleeting desire churned out by the ego? This may
not seem like an important question, but it is extremely important, because it
marks a turning point in one’s evolution, when it becomes possible to finally
get what you really want.
Are you willing to turn away from, or at least not
give so much importance to, your other desires? You might not be, and that’s
fine too. But if you are ready, then declare your deepest desire. This is my
third teaching. Declare that you want peace and love. Feel the depth and power
of this desire and let it fuel your will to give peace and love your attention.
You and the spiritual forces that support your evolution will jointly brin g
peace and love into your life when you declare that you want these things more
than anything else.
Everyone’s evolution eventually comes to this: You realize
that your deepest desire is for peace and love and you declare this in your
heart. Then life conspires to bring you exactly that.
Are you ready to know the
truth about life and the truth about yourself— that you are what you desire
most deeply? You are love and peace. Your life has always been about
discovering this.
Source: Ten Teachings for One World - Wisdom from Mother Mary ~ Gina Lake