9. aug. 2013

Anyone can do it!!

15 years ago I was diagnozed with breastcancer. That changed my life - forever.

My immediate thought then was - NOW is the time to do something that is good for ME.  All of a sudden it became clear to me, that most of my life I had attended everybody elses needs and wishes and had forgotten about myself totally... I had to find out what I wanted to do, what I enjoyed.  But my mind was totally empty, I did not have a clue..... Really scary...

Somebody told me to contact a spiritual center nearby and there I attended yoga and qi-gong classes 3 times a week.  I joined a group that studied "the Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. Interesting stuff! After half a year, we started studying A Course in Miracles...

I went to a workshop called  "Pathfinder days". After meditation the first day, we were asked to draw what we experienced. Oh dear, draw, I thought
 I was so bad at drawing, not me at all.  But I did it, drew this small drawing, showing me sitting in lotus position with a wonderful ellipse in all the colours of the rainbow over my head and light pouring down on me.  And then arms embracing me totally...

I showed this drawing to the therapist at the center and she exclaimed:  It is a modern icon!! Icon, I thought, hm.  Did not know a thing about icons.  Just for the fun of it, I made a new drawing, similar to this one and tried to make it look really nice.  I gave it to my sister and thought: if it touches her heart in a way, this is maybe something for me to consider...  
I gave it to her and tears filled to her eyes.. She knew excactly what it was!

One night shortly after I had a dream with a figure called Abraham, a helper.  I did not know what it was he would help me with, just presented himself as the helper by the name Abraham.

The next morning there was a letter for me in the postbox.  It contained a programme from another spiritual center.  What immediately caught my eyes was a course in iconpainting!!  Not only was it a course in iconpainting, the teacher was a danish nun by the name, would you imagine -   sister ABRAHAM.

The guidance could not be much clearer.  I attended the 5 days workshop in Jutland, and I was like in a different world totally.  Painting Mary, Jesus mother and Mary Magdalene in these five days.  I made me so extremely happy, words can not describe it.  

I KNEW, this was for me, I knew this was something I would do for the rest of my life,
So I went home, showed the icons to everybody, and everybody were very polite and  happy with me and thought the icons were wonderful, and so did I.  I thought it was miraculous!  I never knew how to draw, I never knew how to paint (I thought).
So at home I immediately started making wooden boards with gesso (chalk and rabbitglue and water)   to paint on (the traditional iconographer's way)

One of my first icons

And I repeated the icon with Mary and the child, again and again and again.  They became better and better I thought, and I was at that time afraid I would loose it again, that the next icon would not be good, that it was a coincident that I managed the first times....

I have been spending time painting icons almost every day since then!  I have been abroad for classes, in a finnish monastery, at an castle in Wales, in Larissa in Greece and in Sofia.. I have found the best teachers (of course)...
I have also attended drawing classes, and found out I am actually really good at drawing as well.  Never knew that.. It only has to do with opening your eyes and learn how to distinguish darkness from light!

After a couple of years a friend suggested I gave a class in iconpainting at her center.  Me I though - teach? 
(in fact, I had been told by a clairvoyant that I was to teach, but  thought I knew nothing  to teach...)

 But I did and I loved it from the very beginning. That is 7 years ago now. I have had about 40 classes in Denmark as well as in Norway and the Faroe Islands.
I know it is something everybody can do.  Everybody can learn to open their eyes, everybody can learn to see darkness and light.  To concentrate on each stroke of the pen, trust in the good result, not worry if there is time enough..
The interesting thing about iconpainting is that we always go from darkness to light.  One always starts with the darkest colour for instance of the cloth.  and put lighter and lighter layers, thus creating the form.
From darkness to light - just like in our lives...

It took me quite a long time to figure out why I had this urge to repeat Mother and child again and again and again... 

 It has been such a tremendous help and inspiration to me.  Every day when I look at my icons I am reminded of the love of God for me.  That there is nothing to fear, that I am taken care of !!

What I have learnt is this:  Our thoughts  limits us.. only our thoughts.  

Anyone can do it!!



27. jul. 2013

Min læremester - Anton

Forleden dag oppdaget Anton sit speilbilde...   Han brukte lang tid på å finne ut af hvordan han skulle forholde seg til den hund han så i vinduet.

Han nærmet seg langsomt, viste at han var venlig ved å logre med halen, og til sist slikket han forsiktig på ruten...

Ikke lenge etter gikk det op for ham at det ingenting var - og lot det være.

Som min verden -den er et speilbilde av det som er i meg.   ..an outside picture of an inward condition...   A Course in Miracles (T-21.in.1:5).

Jeg kan ikke ændre på verden - kun min måte å se den på.

Det mindet Anton meg om i dag!


13. jul. 2013

Searching for love?

You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself.

That person is not to be found anywhere.

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection. 

~ Buddha

26. jun. 2013

Where did the summer go?

We have had some wonderful, sunny and warm days in june. Finally, the summer came, days starting with a swin in the sea and breakfast on the terrace...

The sea has had lazy days.

Reminds me of my mind. Some days my mind is quiet, floating and just ... mind.
At other times, it is busy, up and down and trying to shout. If I am not observant it takes me places I fear.
It is my choise.

I will set sails according to the wind.
I am the captain.

God is my GPS.

14. jun. 2013


Min nye Maria er snart færdig. 
I farger er hun anderledes enn de andre utgaver jeg har malet av Maria.
I uttrykk er hun den samme...

Hun gjør ikke noe - Maria. Vi kjenner henne som den kvinne som fødte Jesus. Det er det.

Hun ER - ren kjærlighet.

Hun ER.


29. maj 2013

Unwind my brain - unwind me...

This is what my thoughts seem like - sometimes... sometimes more than other times.  Do you recognize this?

But it is possible to unwind it all... If I just start from one end, and very carefully observe, recognize and let go of all the thoughts  I have thought a hundred times before and thoughts about past and future...
Sounds easy?
Takes courage and willingness to letting them go. I do not judge the thoughts I think...
I decide  for this every morning.  I am not quite sure of how well I am doing. I cannot judge that either.  It does not matter.  I just decide and do it.

It is impossible that I will not succeed. I am the one who decide my thoughts.

I will succed.

That is my decision.

My prayer:

Dear Father
Today I give all my thoughts to you.  
I do not need any of mine.
Thank you for a successful outcome in the end.
I do not have to worry about ANYTHING.


28. maj 2013

Der findes ingen "private tanker"...

Efter at min kære ven Fiffi ikke er her mere, har jeg ikke altid startet dagen som jeg gjorde den gang.
En af dagens store glæder for Fiffi (og mig) var vor lange morgenluftetur.  Den gik meget ofte langs med stranden.
Den  praksis har jeg nu genoptaget - uden hund.

Husene som ligger i første række til havet har, næsten alle, en trappe ned til stranden.  Nogle har sat kæder og skilte op, for at forhindre adgang for "uvedkommende". Det mindede mig om noget...

I lektion 19, i Et Kursus i Mirakler står der bl.a. "Jeg er ikke alene i at opleve effekten af mine tanker".
Vi hører eller ofte at "tanker er toldfrie" - sådan forholder det sig ikke. 
Jeg er ansvarlig for mine tanker og den effekt de har.  Alle tanker har en effekt, et faktum som er svært for os at forstå fordi vi tror at det kun er noget som foregår inde i vore hoveder. 

Det kan virke skræmmende (og er det sandsynligvis ubevidst) at  vore tanker har en effekt på andre og andet end os selv.
Jesus siger i Kurset at vi ikke tror på dette nu, og at den virkelige grunn til det, er at vi ikke ønsker at tro på den enorme kraft vore sind og tanker har.
Det kan være virkelig befordrende at bestemme sig for at ikke holde tanker "private".  Ikke sådan at forstå at jeg deler alle tanker om alt med alle, men jeg har besluttet mig for at så ofte som jeg kan at observere mine tanker, træde tilbage i sindet så at sige.
På den måde bliver der mindre og mindre "tankevandringer" hvor tanker flyver over stok og sten, og jeg med.  Jeg bliver herre over mine egne tanker.

 Nu er der åbnet op.  Kæden er fjernet - der er fri adgang og jeg erkender mit ansvar.

Min bøn:

Kære Himmelske Far,
Hjælp mig til at forstå at mine tanker ikke er private, og at det jeg tænker har en effekt på mine medmennesker. Jeg ønsker kun de tanker jeg deler med dig.  Alle tanker som gjør meg urolig gir jeg til dig.  Således kan jeg jeg tilbringe alle mine dager i glede og fred.