3. feb. 2013

I need do nothing

This is one of the most wonderful things I have ever come across.

I need do nothing..

I will rest, and I will let Him lead the way.

I do not know what anything is for - and I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do.

It does not matter whether or not I agree with my fellow "A Course in Miracles" students - I only have to save myself - by realizing - I know nothing...

From the Urtext: (as it was orginally written down by  the scribe of A Course in Miracles)

(October 5, 1975)
Be comforted. You are not asked to do anything. There is a time when to step back is all that is asked of you. It is a time of rest and not of strain; a time of peace and not a time of conflict.That time is almost here. It seems fearful because it is not under your control. But think a minute; stop and think honestly about what your control has done; what it has brought to you.
You have been caught in a trap from which you never could escape. Conflict, guilt and fear have come with you and never left your side. Each one of you has done this differently, yet each has come to the same place; the same impasse. And now it seems to each of you that there is no escape. For it is true that you cannot escape alone. Your stories seem to differ, for they do take different forms.Yet their one content makes you brothers. Dwell not upon the differences or you are lost. It is in recognizing the common content; the common need, that you are saved!
The mess that is your lives is an illusion. What can the form of dreams resolve? There is no answer to a question not yet asked, for it would not be recognized. Ask only this: Will I fulfill the function given me? What else is there to ask? Why must I know the form in which the answer comes to me? God answers, “Yes” and it is done. No more than this is meaningful to you.
It is not He Who would withhold the future and leave you fearful. You could not accept His “yes”in forms you would not understand. Things still in time unfold as is appointed them, and many things remain undone as yet. Plans based upon intangibles cannot be fully shown to you. And what has not as yet occurred must BE intangible.This phase of learning has a single lesson for all the forms your problems seem to take. To God all things are possible, but you must ask His answer only of Himself.
Perhaps you think you do, but be you sure that if you did you would be quiet now and wholly undismayed by anything. Do not attempt to guess His Will for you. DO NOT ASSUME THAT YOU ARE RIGHT BECAUSE AN ANSWER SEEMS TO COME FROM HIM. BE SURE YOU ASK, AND THEN BE STILL AND LET HIM SPEAK. There is no problem He cannot resolve, for it is never He Who keeps apart some questions to be solved by someone else. You cannot share the world with Him and make half of it His while half belongs to you. Truth makes no compromise. To keep apart a little is to keep all separate. Your life, complete and whole, belongs to God or none of it is His. There is no thought in all the world that seems more terrible.
Yet it is only when this thought appears in perfect clarity that there is hope in peace and safety for the mind so long kept dark and twisted to avoid the light. This IS the light. Step back and do not dwell upon the forms that seem to keep you bound. You WILL fulfill your function. And will have whatever you will need. God does not fail. But lay no limits on what you would give to Him to be resolved. For He can not offer a thousand answers when but one is all there is. Accept this one of Him, and not one question will remain to ask.
DO NOT FORGET IF YOU ATTEMPT TO SOLVE A PROBLEM, YOU HAVE JUDGED IT FOR YOURSELF AND SO YOU HAVE BETRAYED YOUR PROPER ROLE. Grandeur, which comes from God, establishes that judgment is impossible for you. But grandiosity insists you judge, and bring to this all problems that you have. And what is the result? Look carefully upon your life and let it speak for you.
Is this frail breath and deep uncertainty your choice for you? Or would you rather rest in surety, certain you would not fail in your request to have all problems happily resolved? Do not mistake the fine disguises you can use to cover judgment. It appears as charity, as mercy and as love; as pity, understanding and as care. And yet you know it is not what it seems because the problem still remains unsolved, and comes to haunt your mind in evil dreams.
What have you kept from God that you would hide behind your judgment? What have you concealed beneath the cloak of kindness and concern? Use no one for your needs, for that is “sin,” and you will pay the penalty in guilt. Remember you need nothing, but you have an endless store of loving gifts to give. But teach this lesson only to yourself.
For only here we rest. We cast away our little judgments and our petty words; our tiny problems and our false concerns.We have attempted to be master of our destiny and thought that peace lay there.Freedom and judgment IS impossible. But by your side is One Who knows the way.Step back for Him and let Him lead you to the rest and silence of the Word of God.

17. jan. 2013

Mother of God of the Apocalypse

Finally, time to paint again.
For a long time I have been thinking about making this icon "big size"...
Now the canvas was prepared, and I was ready.

This icon is seldom seen, I found it in a german calendar a few years ago, and immediately loved it.

Mother Mary standing with Christ on her left arm, on the earth with the sun (God) as background...

Many hours of happy work here!

15. jan. 2013

Masterclass i ikonmaling

Så ankom de - de 10 store lindetræsplader som skal bruges til kurset med Theodoros  som starter den 9. februar.  Så er det på plads...
Det aller meste er nu på plads, der er ingen hængepartier - så langt har alle ting lagt sig fuldstændig til rette for dette arrangement.

Galleri Elander tilbød at låne lokaler.
Miroslav lavede 10 store ikonplader.
7 ikonmalere meldte sig til.
Vor frokost bliver leveret af en professionel kok - det bliver lækkert!
Det sidste jeg manglede var at tilvejebringe 5-6 staffelier - nu er det også løst på smukkeste vis med hjælp fra Kunstværkstederne Møllestien i Helsinge - Tak til Lis!
Min fantastiske græsk lærer Michael, laver græske pindemadder til "Åbent Galleri" ! Tak!
Jeg har ikke været i tvivl om det nok skulle kunne lade sig gøre.
Snart bliver der sendt en pressemeddelelse ud - og her en invitation:

Åbent Galleri
Den afsluttende dag, søndag den 17. februar kl. 16.00 slår Galleri Elander dørene op og inviterer til ”græsk eftermiddag”.  Her vil der blive mulighed for at se resultatet af 9 dages arbejde og Theodoros vil fortælle lidt om ikonografi i dag.
Der bliver serveret lidt græske specialiteter og et glas græsk vin. 
Entre denne eftermiddag kr. 50.
Tilmelding: send en  SMS til 40106630 med navn og deltagerantal senest den 14.februar.  Betaling ved døren. 


29. dec. 2012

Gabriel almost finished

Very slowly, this icon is coming closer to the finish. I have been painting the wings today and a little bit on the garment.
I really enjoy the speed, or shall I say lack of speed... In iconpainting. It is impossible to hurry.

This is also how it is in my life. I do not have to hurry - ever. I will accomplish exactly what I am supposed to, everything is very easy, if I let myself be lead ..

28. dec. 2012

Gabriel - fortsettelsen

Når jeg kom op i mit "arbejdsværelse" i morges, skinnende solen om kap med Ærkeenglen Gabriel.

Hvilken glæde! Tænkte jeg skulle læse dagens lektion i Kurset, men det blev i stedet til afsnit 12 i Kursets Håndbog for Lærere: Hvor mange Guds lærere behøves for at frelse verden....
Lærerikt kapitel om kroppen, og hva den sentrale leksjon er: kroppen blir det du bruger den til...
Og kroppen er mitt kommunikasjonsredskap... Enkelt og greit.

For tiden bruker jeg den til å kommunikere budskabet om engle. :) som er symbol på lyset og Guds beskyttelse som altid omgir os, siden vi jo aldrig har forladt Ham.
I arbejdsbogens epilog står der så smukt (w-ep.6.6:8): Du går ikke alene. Guds engle svæver i din nærhet og overalt rundt dig. Hans Kærlighed omgir dig - og vær sikker på dette: At jeg aldri vil forlade dig uten trøst.

Det er jeg dybt taknemlig over:  VI  ER ALDRI ALENE!!

Gabriel har i dag fået arrangeret sit hår. På rigtig ikonvis, det ligner ikke almindeligt hår, men sådan skal det altså være på ikoner, i alle fald på mine.

26. dec. 2012

Gabriel - velkommen

Jeg valgte at vaske min plade ren.
Maria på tronen forsvandt under vandhanen, ved hjelp av en svamp. Det tok bare 3 minutter, så var næsten alle spor vekk! Så enkelt å fjerne, når jeg tenker på at jeg har malet på denne Maria i ca. 3 uker...
Ingen tvil om at det var det jeg skulle - det var for mye trone og for lite Maria!!

Jeg hygger mig nå med å male ærkeenglen Gabriel ferdig, den ble brukt til undervisning for flere måneder siden, og ba i går om å få lov til å komme videre...

Så er jeg her - og nå. Fortiden er visket ut, rullet ut som et teppe, sett på, vasket ren og er blank...og neutral.

Så Gabriel, nå er det oss to ...

19. dec. 2012

Maria på tronen

Det meste af dagen har jeg siddet ovenpå i lyset og malet på min nye Maria .

I dag har jeg brugt meget af tiden på ansigt og hænder.
Jeg er godt tilfreds med Maria, men det kære Jesusbarn ser litt mellemfornøyd ud.

Det må blive i morgen jeg får snakket med Ham om det... muligvis afspejler det Hans viden om verden og os mennesker som har så svært ved at lytte - til vore hjerter.

Det vil jeg vende tilbake til...