15. jan. 2013

Masterclass i ikonmaling

Så ankom de - de 10 store lindetræsplader som skal bruges til kurset med Theodoros  som starter den 9. februar.  Så er det på plads...
Det aller meste er nu på plads, der er ingen hængepartier - så langt har alle ting lagt sig fuldstændig til rette for dette arrangement.

Galleri Elander tilbød at låne lokaler.
Miroslav lavede 10 store ikonplader.
7 ikonmalere meldte sig til.
Vor frokost bliver leveret af en professionel kok - det bliver lækkert!
Det sidste jeg manglede var at tilvejebringe 5-6 staffelier - nu er det også løst på smukkeste vis med hjælp fra Kunstværkstederne Møllestien i Helsinge - Tak til Lis!
Min fantastiske græsk lærer Michael, laver græske pindemadder til "Åbent Galleri" ! Tak!
Jeg har ikke været i tvivl om det nok skulle kunne lade sig gøre.
Snart bliver der sendt en pressemeddelelse ud - og her en invitation:

Åbent Galleri
Den afsluttende dag, søndag den 17. februar kl. 16.00 slår Galleri Elander dørene op og inviterer til ”græsk eftermiddag”.  Her vil der blive mulighed for at se resultatet af 9 dages arbejde og Theodoros vil fortælle lidt om ikonografi i dag.
Der bliver serveret lidt græske specialiteter og et glas græsk vin. 
Entre denne eftermiddag kr. 50.
Tilmelding: send en  SMS til 40106630 med navn og deltagerantal senest den 14.februar.  Betaling ved døren. 


29. dec. 2012

Gabriel almost finished

Very slowly, this icon is coming closer to the finish. I have been painting the wings today and a little bit on the garment.
I really enjoy the speed, or shall I say lack of speed... In iconpainting. It is impossible to hurry.

This is also how it is in my life. I do not have to hurry - ever. I will accomplish exactly what I am supposed to, everything is very easy, if I let myself be lead ..

28. dec. 2012

Gabriel - fortsettelsen

Når jeg kom op i mit "arbejdsværelse" i morges, skinnende solen om kap med Ærkeenglen Gabriel.

Hvilken glæde! Tænkte jeg skulle læse dagens lektion i Kurset, men det blev i stedet til afsnit 12 i Kursets Håndbog for Lærere: Hvor mange Guds lærere behøves for at frelse verden....
Lærerikt kapitel om kroppen, og hva den sentrale leksjon er: kroppen blir det du bruger den til...
Og kroppen er mitt kommunikasjonsredskap... Enkelt og greit.

For tiden bruker jeg den til å kommunikere budskabet om engle. :) som er symbol på lyset og Guds beskyttelse som altid omgir os, siden vi jo aldrig har forladt Ham.
I arbejdsbogens epilog står der så smukt (w-ep.6.6:8): Du går ikke alene. Guds engle svæver i din nærhet og overalt rundt dig. Hans Kærlighed omgir dig - og vær sikker på dette: At jeg aldri vil forlade dig uten trøst.

Det er jeg dybt taknemlig over:  VI  ER ALDRI ALENE!!

Gabriel har i dag fået arrangeret sit hår. På rigtig ikonvis, det ligner ikke almindeligt hår, men sådan skal det altså være på ikoner, i alle fald på mine.

26. dec. 2012

Gabriel - velkommen

Jeg valgte at vaske min plade ren.
Maria på tronen forsvandt under vandhanen, ved hjelp av en svamp. Det tok bare 3 minutter, så var næsten alle spor vekk! Så enkelt å fjerne, når jeg tenker på at jeg har malet på denne Maria i ca. 3 uker...
Ingen tvil om at det var det jeg skulle - det var for mye trone og for lite Maria!!

Jeg hygger mig nå med å male ærkeenglen Gabriel ferdig, den ble brukt til undervisning for flere måneder siden, og ba i går om å få lov til å komme videre...

Så er jeg her - og nå. Fortiden er visket ut, rullet ut som et teppe, sett på, vasket ren og er blank...og neutral.

Så Gabriel, nå er det oss to ...

19. dec. 2012

Maria på tronen

Det meste af dagen har jeg siddet ovenpå i lyset og malet på min nye Maria .

I dag har jeg brugt meget af tiden på ansigt og hænder.
Jeg er godt tilfreds med Maria, men det kære Jesusbarn ser litt mellemfornøyd ud.

Det må blive i morgen jeg får snakket med Ham om det... muligvis afspejler det Hans viden om verden og os mennesker som har så svært ved at lytte - til vore hjerter.

Det vil jeg vende tilbake til...

14. dec. 2012

Back to painting again...

It is like coming home, having a brush in my hand, painting ....I love it, it makes me happy!!!

At the moment painting the icon "Mother of God Enthroned".

Mary opens my heart and reminds me of God's Love for us all, at all times in abundance.

12. dec. 2012

I am responsible - I have a choice!

From Journey through A Course in Miracles..Ken Wapnick~ Rules for Decision

The cause of all distress is the choice point we made in our mind against Jesus/HS, which eventually led to the effect of our being distressed, upset, angry, depressed, sick, etc., etc. When we feel the effect, we must return to that choice point in our mind. Eventually the time between the cause and effect will grow shorter and shorter as you progress with the course.

As you progress with the course it does not mean that your life will be all sweetness and light, and that you'll never get upset, you'll never get angry, you'll never get sick, you'll never have attack thoughts, you'll never have specialness thoughts. What it DOES mean is that you'll become more and more aware of them the instant that they happen.

And so even if you choose to hold onto these thoughts, you will at least now know that you're choosing to hold onto them. That's the SOLE PURPOSE of the course. That's why this is called, again, A Course in Miracles. The miracle does NOT make the choice for you, it simply restores to your awareness that you have the choice.

The mind is the cause, the world is the effect. Whenever we have a problem in the world it is because we have forgotten the cause- which is in our mind. The miracle restores to the mind its function of being the causative agent of EVERYTHING we feel. That is ALL the course is training you to do. This is extremely important because if you don't understand this you'll do a massive guilt trip on yourself, because you'll think you're failing this course because you're still choosing your ego.

If this is a course in miracles, the function of the miracle is not to have you stop choosing your ego. It's to have you be AWARE that you're choosing your ego. This is what gets course students way off the mark, as they'll believe that they're choosing the HS when they're not doing that at all. Because they think that's the goal of the course.

The goal of the course is that you choose the miracle- which means you FINALLY understand what you are choosing, and then you learn to forgive yourself for continually choosing your specialness. And if you DO that, what you in effect have done is you've let Jesus look on your ego with you. That's what the miracle is- you go back to your mind, and with Jesus or the HS beside you, you look at your ego and you realize that YOU have chosen it. Even though at that moment you may not want to let the ego go, you will at least know what you're doing! And so you'll end up as a student of this course realizing how absolutely insane you are. Literally. Because you'll realize how you perversely, continually choose your ego and your specialness. But now at least you know you're doing it, which means you can't blame anybody else for it- you can't blame your environment, the person who just raped you, your genes, your bad karma- you can blame NOTHING. 

Now you will understand that if I'm upset right now it's because I WANT to be upset right now. I DON'T want the peace of God- I want a piece of the ego's action, I want my specialness- I don't want God's peace. But at least you know what you're doing! And that's the goal of the course- you've successfully completed the course. Because once you do that it's only a matter of time when you realize "this doesn't pay me anymore". That step will automatically happen. 

This is what the little willingness means- that you'll accept full responsibility for your specialness, full responsibility for your misery, for your pain- physical or emotional. You'll realize that no one is responsible for that except you. It's not sinful, it's not wicked, it's not evil- it's simply silly. If you can say it's silly, then you're beginning to understand what the HS told you right at the beginning: the tiny, mad idea is not evil, it's not wicked, it's not sinful it's silly. You look at your CHOOSING your specialness instead of the love of Jesus, and you SMILE at the silliness of it. Even as you're embracing it, even as you're defending it, even as you luxuriate in its pain, you will at least know what you're doing-and that's the goal of the course. That takes TREMENDOUS practice because you DON'T want to accept responsibility for it. You want to blame someone else. Even blaming your ego for it! In reality the ego is our own thought, and we are choosing the ego.
