25. jan. 2012

Dalai Lama og Desmond Tutu

Jeg har lyttet til denne historiske samtale mellem Dalai Lama og Desmond Tutu.  De havde en live samtale på Google+hangout.  De har begge så mange visdomsord som du næsten selv skulle høre!

Det er sådan en fryd at se dem snakke sammen som gamle venner og grine så meget!  Det kan vi alle sammen lære en hel del af...
Fyld dit hjerte med kærlighed og lys og send det ud til din familie, dine venner og til hele verden.

23. jan. 2012

The Freedom of Not Wanting Anything

Mooji taler om ikke at have investering i noget. "Life takes care of life"...

I do not worry about my day.

22. jan. 2012

Happiness IS a choice!

This is my plan:
Every day  I will  remember to make a choice - a choice for happiness and joy.

This is the truth. I can decide. I know it.  I have  made that choice - and it works for me.
I have to be willing to let it be so.  I does not come out of the blue.  I have to make a decision.
...sometimes I forget that I can decide!
I have to ask for help to always remember that joy and happiness is my natural state, together with peace and love.  It is one.
Every morning I ask God to help me remember my choice for joy, and that it is obtained by letting go of my judgements and attachment to fear.
Every morning I check on my willingness. Am I willing to let go of my worries about the future today?  Am I willing to let go of my thoughts about the past?  By letting past and future thoughts  go, I open up to joy and laughter.
I let the ego go and let God take the lead.
It sounds easy - and it is - when I remember.
So my first thought in the morning is God.  I have to remember God.   He helps me and reminds me of my decision for joy.


12. jan. 2012

May I present my new center:

I am not the center of the world.  Although  I often have wanted I was, and probably do most of the time...
In the same way - my mind, my thoughts, my brain is not my center, but I have chosen it to be the center - most of the time.  
But from now on that is changed. May I present my new center:

Exactly - My Heart.

This is how I want it to be.  If I am not aware of what is going on in my head, and choose to change it - my thoughts become the center.  I must choose the change. 2000 years have proven it does not work.
What I think and do must come from the Heart or LOVE  and not fear.

My then  5 year old granddaughter Kajsa  (like most other children) knows this.  Like she replied when I told her I meditate to quiet my mind and all the thoughts in my head:

"Do you think with your head? 

Yes - was my answer...

She looked at me with regret and said:

I think with my heart!"

As simple as that - from now on.


9. jan. 2012

I give my life to God

Lesson 233 A Course in Miracles

I give my life to God to guide today.
“Father, I give You all my thoughts today. I
would have none of mine. In place of them,
give me Your Own. I give You all my acts as
well, that I may do Your Will instead of seeking goals which cannot be obtained, and
wasting time in vain imaginings.
 Today I come to You. 
I will step back and merely follow You. Be You the Guide, 
and I the follower who questions not the wisdom of the Infinite, 
nor Love whose tenderness I cannot comprehend, 
but which is yet Your perfect gift to me.
Today we have one Guide to lead us on.
And as we walk together, we will give this
day to Him with no reserve at all. 
This is His day. 
And so it is a day of countless gifts
and mercies unto us.

8. jan. 2012