9. dec. 2011

Honesty - what does it mean?

The key element in the Course’s approach is honesty, which is the second of the ten characteristics of a teacher of God, discussed in the manual for teachers (M.4). Jesus states there that honesty means consistency: "There is nothing you say that contradicts what you think or do; no thought opposes any other thought..." (M.4.II.1). In other words, there is a consistency between your words (form) and your thoughts (content). If we set aside any ego investment in the situation, then only love will flow though us, and it will be expressed in a form that would be appropriate in that specific situation. The emphasis is on the content in our minds. If we are kind within, we will be kind on the outside. Our attention, thus, should be on searching for any unkindness lurking in our thoughts, and asking for help to let that go. Once we have gotten past the unkindness, whatever we say or do will be kind, in a form that is appropriate to the circumstances

From Question and Answer service - Foundation for A Course in Miracles


"All the world's a stage": Watching ourselves from the audience

Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D. discusses the "you" whom Jesus addresses in his Course. He also presents a practical exercise students can use in their daily lives to help them observe their egos in action.

Thank you Mathine for reminding me of this!

7. dec. 2011

I will just walk on

No matter what seems to happen to me - I just walk on - the end is certain.
I do not have to worry about what to say - or what to do.
The only thing I will work on is observing  my thoughts.  I have to be vigilant of my thoughts. The ones I do not want - the ones that make me uneasy -  I will give to the Holy Spirit. 
And I will be - just be in my breath, my every step and my every move.


Sounds easy!


I am determined to see things differently

Kort nr. 6

I dag vil jeg se alle ting

 på en ny måde

Lad mig huske at mine reaktioner kun er bestemt af de beslutninger JEG træffer. Jeg vil træne mig selv i at beslutte at se mennesker og begivenheder med kærlighed i stedet for frygt. Hver gang jeg i dag føler den mindste uro eller frygt, siger jeg  til mig selv:

Jeg er fri til at vælge. I dag beslutter jeg mig for at se tingene på en ny måde.

From lesson 21 in A Course in Miracles.  
"I am determined to see things differently". 
Most of my life I have behaved as if I was a robot, that was reacting on what other people said or did.  Now I see, that my reactions are a result of the decisions I make.  I declare my own freedom by training my own power of decision, to see people with love in stead of fear.

I repeat the following everytime I today feel tempted to see with the eyes of fear:

I am free.  Today I am determined to see things differently.


6. dec. 2011

How to awaken from the ego's sleep.

How do I accomplish that? I know two things - 1) I am not able to do this on my own 2) I have a guide to help me always.
It takes my willingness though to ask my guide, Jesus, for help, help to see another's interests as my own. 
Accepting the atonement for myself, is the only responsability I have, and this comes about by, yes exactly,  not seeing your interests as apart from mine.  
I have made a mistake by believing I am separate from God and separate from all my brothers. Jesus tells me that in A Course in Miracles.  He tells me I am mistaken, but He does not attack me.
There is nothing wrong then in telling people they are mistaken, many times this might be most helpful.  But the difficult part is to do it with Jesus, and not the ego, which means correcting kindly with the purpose of helping, not humiliating or attack.
I have decided to do that - with the help of Jesus.
So, when I think you are doing a mistake, I will ask Jesus for help to see that it has nothing to do with who you truly are.
If I on the other hand attack your mistake, I would be making real our joint belief that separation is reality. And  forgiveness is my action... 
When seeing our  interests as shared - this will carry us home together.

1. dec. 2011

Your heart knows the secret

Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights.

Kahlil Gibran said that, and he was right. Listen, therefore, to your heart. Cultivate the ability to do this. Practice it. Produce it. Perfect it.

It is not that difficult. Just be quiet with yourself. And for heaven's sake, stop listening to your mind. You will not find the truth there. You may find the answer, but it will not be the truth unless it coincides with the answer in your heart.

You think there is more to know about life than this, but there is not. Your heart holds the key. Your heart holds the wisdom. Your heart holds the future. Your mind knows nothing but the past. It imagines the future will be just like yesterday, so it makes it decisions based on that. Only your heart can see beyond memory's horizon.

~Neale D. Walsch

28. nov. 2011


Hvert år - de sidste ca  32 har jeg bagt 1 pepperkakehus. Duften af pepperkakehus - hørte liksom juleforberedelserne til.
De sidste år er det blevet 2, så 3 - så 4 og i år bliver det 6 pepperkakehus som skal bakes...    Men de blir litt mindre i størrelsen enn for 30 år siden.  Jeg har konstruert et fint lite hus som minner om det her over...
Nu er dejen lavet - den skal hvile til i morgen - hvor jeg går i gang med at bage alle delene.

Vore 6 børnebørn kommer alle sammen på lørdag - så skal husene samles og pyntes.  Det er mest det med pynten som er spændende - der er rigeligt med slik,  i alle afskygninger til 6 huse.
Jeg glæder mig nu aller mest til at komme i gang med en ny ikon - den bliver 30 x 40 cm og det bliver (ikke overraskende) Maria Eleousa.  Der skal laves en tegning af ikonen jeg vælger - jeg har ikke et forlæg som er stort nok.

Jeg skal lige spidse min blyant - så går jeg i gang....