Most of the day I have been working with the face and hands of Mary Magdalene. I paint with egg tempera on gessoed wooden board.
Det meste af dagen er gået med at arbejde med Marias ansigt og hænder - det er også blevet tid til at lave den lille krukke næsten færdig.
Nu er der tid til at forberede morgendagen. 4 ikonmalere til kursus i 4 dage - hvilken glæde!
Køkkenet bliver lavet om til ikonværksted - så der er en del ting som skal flyttes ned i køkkenet.
Ind i mellem har der også væreet tid til at læse dagens lektion i Et Kursus i Mirakler. Bogen ligger lige ved siden af mig.
...og dagens lektion i Et Kursus i Mirakler er 317:
I follow in the way appointed me
[Here are Ken Wapnick’s comments on today’s lesson, from his book, “Journey Through the Workbook of A Course in Miracles:]
This lesson is of great importance, and its theme is echoed in two lessons that we will see in the next series. “I follow in the way appointed me” means I do not want to be first. As one of these later lessons says, “I chose the second place to gain the first.” (Lesson 328) At the beginning we told God: “I am first cause, and You follow me - I have the power and I am in charge.” This belief is the motivation behind the mantra found in some New Age circle: “I am God.” None of us wants to follow, for we want to be number one. In this lesson, therefore, Jesus brings us back to the humility we must practice as students of his course: “I will follow the way my teacher instructs so I can come to God, Who is my Creator - I am not His; He is mine.”
We see another example of Jesus using the word, special, for the Holy Spirit, when almost always it is reserved for the ego. Our special place is our special function, which is to forgive our special relationships, as he explains in the text:
“Here, where the laws of God do not prevail in perfect form, can he yet do one perfect thing and make one perfect choice. And by this act of special faithfulness to one perceived as other than himself, he learns the gift was given to himself, and so they must be one.” (T-21.VI.5)
To “follow in the way appointed me” is our choice and no one else’s. Once again, our only role is to forgive, which has nothing at all to do with behavior or anything external.
In the prayer the focus again is on our choice, and we now gladly choose God’s way. The journey ends with the return of His memory - the real world - achieved by the forgiveness that excludes no one from the Sonship.
The world arose from the belief we had indeed wandered from God’s loving Arms. The ego told us these Arms were not loving, and that we were wise in running away - if we had stayed, God would surely have destroyed us. Jesus tells us, however, that we are not sinful, but we did indeed make a mistaken choice, reflecting the well-known line from the text: “Son of God you have not sinned, but you have been much mistaken.” (T-10.V.6)
This lesson is of great importance, and its theme is echoed in two lessons that we will see in the next series. “I follow in the way appointed me” means I do not want to be first. As one of these later lessons says, “I chose the second place to gain the first.” (Lesson 328) At the beginning we told God: “I am first cause, and You follow me - I have the power and I am in charge.” This belief is the motivation behind the mantra found in some New Age circle: “I am God.” None of us wants to follow, for we want to be number one. In this lesson, therefore, Jesus brings us back to the humility we must practice as students of his course: “I will follow the way my teacher instructs so I can come to God, Who is my Creator - I am not His; He is mine.”
We see another example of Jesus using the word, special, for the Holy Spirit, when almost always it is reserved for the ego. Our special place is our special function, which is to forgive our special relationships, as he explains in the text:
“Here, where the laws of God do not prevail in perfect form, can he yet do one perfect thing and make one perfect choice. And by this act of special faithfulness to one perceived as other than himself, he learns the gift was given to himself, and so they must be one.” (T-21.VI.5)
To “follow in the way appointed me” is our choice and no one else’s. Once again, our only role is to forgive, which has nothing at all to do with behavior or anything external.
In the prayer the focus again is on our choice, and we now gladly choose God’s way. The journey ends with the return of His memory - the real world - achieved by the forgiveness that excludes no one from the Sonship.
The world arose from the belief we had indeed wandered from God’s loving Arms. The ego told us these Arms were not loving, and that we were wise in running away - if we had stayed, God would surely have destroyed us. Jesus tells us, however, that we are not sinful, but we did indeed make a mistaken choice, reflecting the well-known line from the text: “Son of God you have not sinned, but you have been much mistaken.” (T-10.V.6)
Yes, I have been mistaken - and for that I forgive myself with the help of Jesus. Thank you!
Love to all