Viser opslag med etiketten How is a correction made?. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten How is a correction made?. Vis alle opslag

6. dec. 2011

How to awaken from the ego's sleep.

How do I accomplish that? I know two things - 1) I am not able to do this on my own 2) I have a guide to help me always.
It takes my willingness though to ask my guide, Jesus, for help, help to see another's interests as my own. 
Accepting the atonement for myself, is the only responsability I have, and this comes about by, yes exactly,  not seeing your interests as apart from mine.  
I have made a mistake by believing I am separate from God and separate from all my brothers. Jesus tells me that in A Course in Miracles.  He tells me I am mistaken, but He does not attack me.
There is nothing wrong then in telling people they are mistaken, many times this might be most helpful.  But the difficult part is to do it with Jesus, and not the ego, which means correcting kindly with the purpose of helping, not humiliating or attack.
I have decided to do that - with the help of Jesus.
So, when I think you are doing a mistake, I will ask Jesus for help to see that it has nothing to do with who you truly are.
If I on the other hand attack your mistake, I would be making real our joint belief that separation is reality. And  forgiveness is my action... 
When seeing our  interests as shared - this will carry us home together.