12. jan. 2012

May I present my new center:

I am not the center of the world.  Although  I often have wanted I was, and probably do most of the time...
In the same way - my mind, my thoughts, my brain is not my center, but I have chosen it to be the center - most of the time.  
But from now on that is changed. May I present my new center:

Exactly - My Heart.

This is how I want it to be.  If I am not aware of what is going on in my head, and choose to change it - my thoughts become the center.  I must choose the change. 2000 years have proven it does not work.
What I think and do must come from the Heart or LOVE  and not fear.

My then  5 year old granddaughter Kajsa  (like most other children) knows this.  Like she replied when I told her I meditate to quiet my mind and all the thoughts in my head:

"Do you think with your head? 

Yes - was my answer...

She looked at me with regret and said:

I think with my heart!"

As simple as that - from now on.


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